Sendoff To The Graduate
Sendoff to the graduate!
A perfect way to end the evening, this cake added to the celebration.
June is a time to celebrate so many things. With Father's Day approaching and Independence Day just around the corner, I think back to this fun graduation party theme.
Easier to make than you think, it is just a matter of blending different cake batter colors for the cupcakes and then combining different shades of buttercream frosting.
It may have been a tad time consuming to make those different batches of batter and buttercream but I say it brings in the "wow" factor when it is done! So worth the effort!
I always try and make my food or candy labels part of the party fun!
The best part of planning a theme party like this one is finding what you have before buying anything!
We got the entire family involved. It was fun seeing it all come together.
The "best" parties are the ones that make you smile when you think back on them.
You don't have to spend an enormous amount of money but you do need to be organized. Plan ahead, make your lists and prioritize the things that are the most important to you; do those things first and check them off. If you have time then try to add something else, otherwise let it go. This way you are guaranteed to enjoy your party with everyone else.
Party ON!